Tag: Air Force



Review by Travis Starnes Binder is a straight up thriller that follows as former military operator as he heads into coal country West Virginia to track down the missing daughter of an Army Colonel.  What he finds there is much more convoluted and deadly then just a missing girl. This is a straight up adventure thriller and makes no apologies about it.  While there is a mystery you the reader clearly are not meant to “figure it out” but instead follow along the ride as it slowly unfolds.  What you get instead is a lot of butt kicking.  This was just a fun read.  It might not win any awards for prose or changing the world but if you like military-esq adventure books then this book offers time well spent. None of the characters are all that fleshed out and you generally get a collection of 2 dimensional stereotypes, but… Read more »




Review by Travis Starnes Standoff follows agent Vin Cooper’s investigation into a dead USAF airman during a massacre at an El Paso airport and on to an adventure into Central America. I have to say first off I have not read any of the previous Vin Cooper books and was not aware this was a series when I started reading it. Thankfully Rollins built in a learning curve for people like me and while there were moments where it I noticed things being brought up that were clearly from earlier works, those were usually minor and didn’t detract from the enjoyment of the books.  There were enough intros to the character that I wasn’t left guessing as to what was going on. As a character I generally really liked Cooper.  He isn’t as hard boiled as I usually like my main characters in this type of thriller but was enough… Read more »
