Publisher: Thomas & Mercer


The House of Memory

The House of Memory

The House of Memory is a suspense filled ghost story, and a mystery rolled into one.  It’s a combination I’ve seen before, but done with a degree of skill that is often missed in this type of book. While the mystery part of ghost story/mystery was done well, it is the ghost story portion that really made this book an enjoyable read.  Too often books that focus on ghosts either concentrate on the supernatural aspects to the exclusion of all else or go the horror route and make the undead seem as gruesome and scary as possible. One of the things I really liked about House of Memory is, while ghosts were the major aspect of the book, the world the story lives in wasn’t solely focused on them.  The way ghosts are introduced as part of the world, existing next to everyday mundanity, made them feel somewhat more real… Read more »
