Genre: Police/Detective


Sudden Prey

Sudden Prey

Review by Travis Starnes In the 8th installment of the Prey series John Sandford has decided to kick things up a notch.  Up till now Lucas Davenport has faced a cavalcade of psychopaths who have all had self-preservation at the top of their list.  In this book however Davenport has to face off against criminals targeting cops for all out revenge and a do or die attitude. So far the Prey series has really worked for me.  The stories have all been connected enough that I can feel the thread between them but with plots and even a tone that is different from book to book.  It’s not often a series manages to pull that off and Sandford has does it with flying colors.  As usual this is not a “who done it” type of book, as we see the story from both the perspective of Davenport and the people he is… Read more »
